The day has finally come, and you are officially closing on your new home!
The home buying process is not an easy one, and we know you’ve worked hard to make sure all your ducks are in a row for this big day. Now that your closing date is here, you want to make sure you have everything you need to ensure a successful close.
Before you schedule the movers and start searching for inspiring Pinterest-esque decorations, you need to make sure you have all paperwork signed, payment processed, and the keys in your hand.
Here’s five items you need to bring with you on your closing date:
1. Your Photo ID
Make sure you bring your identification card with you on the day of closing so that the title company can verify and make copies. If there is another person on the loan, make sure they have theirs as well. You can bring a photo ID and passport to suffice. The title company will need this to move forward with the transaction.
2. Your Funds
You can’t very well get the keys until you pay the bill! Make sure you have all the closing costs and down payment squared away so that you are good to go on closing day. You’ll want to prepare ahead of time to make sure you initiate your wire transfer. Unfortunately, credit card cubes are not a thing for closing purchases! 🙂
3. Your Closing Statement and Proof of Insurance
Paperwork is everything when it comes to closing! Your closing agent will provide this paperwork for you. The closing statement provides itemized expenses of the housing transaction. This form will have everything you need for closing the deal and it will outline all expenses included in the transaction. You will also want to provide proof of insurance if you are financing as lenders require home insurance before issuing a mortgage.
4. Your Pen
This might seem like a simple enough request, but you will definitely want to have a pen handy to sign any and all documents related to the closing. Think of it like the SATs – you always show up with a pencil and a backup pencil. Do the same with your closing and make sure you have plenty of pens to spare (just in case!)
5. Your Champagne!
The home buying process is long and strenuous and after a day like closing day, you’re well overdue for a drink! In all seriousness, this is a huge step for you and your partner. You deserve to celebrate! After all the signing and stress and processes, it’s time for you to let loose. But don’t whip out the champagne until the deal is officially closed and it’s just you and your partner left at your new home.
Are you ready for your new home experience? We’re here to help! Contact BSR Realty Group today to get started on your home buying journey!