Finding the perfect realtor is like finding your perfect mate. You might sift through a couple bad eggs before you find your true soulmate. A realtor-client relationship is just that…a relationship! So, you want to find someone who has your goals in mind, is open and honest, and who is going to fight for you to get what you want.
So, how do you go about finding the perfect realtor for you? Well, you could just consult BSR Realty Group, and we’ll find your ideal match! We’re always here to help guide you in the right direction!
If you’re searching for the perfect realtor for you, here are some tips to help narrow down your search:
1. Determine Who/What You Are Looking For
Before you begin your realtor search, make a list of who/what you are looking for. Write down everything you want in a realtor – are they insightful, organized, on top of their game? Or are the aggressive, gets-the-job-done, and persuasive? Write down all the characteristics and personality traits you want in a relator so that you know exactly who you are looking for.
Then, make a separate list that outlines what you are looking for in a home – does it have a large driveway, multiple bedrooms, or a pool? You’ll want to determine who you are looking for and what exactly you are looking for so you can find a realtor to suit your needs.
2. Ask Friends and Family
You can always rely on your friends and family to give you the low-down. Referrals are always the way to go, so reach out to friends, family, and even coworkers to determine the best realtor they have used. You might even have close connections to an awesome realtor and not even know it. Inquire and ask what they liked/didn’t like about their past realtors so you can decide whether they will be a good fit for you.
3. Do Your Research
Google is your best friend. Do your research on the person/persons that your family and friends recommended. Read their reviews, check out their bio, even look up their credentials. It’s okay if you feel like you are being creepy – you deserve to know who you are dealing with!
4. Ask The Right Questions
When you find a realtor, you are interested in, treat it like an interview. Reach out to your potential realtor directly and ask for a consultation or even just an intro-chat. Make sure to prepare plenty of questions including their experience, their biggest sales, and even their negotiation skills. Your goal is to really pinpoint if this person is going to work with you and for you; so, don’t be afraid to ask them all the questions you might have. You want to make sure you will be able to trust them and work with them, so be sure to feel them out before giving them a shot.
5. Trust Your Gut
Your gut is always right. If you get weird feelings about a specific realtor, that’s your sign not to go with them. If you feel that another realtor might be putting up a good face, but you’re not sure if they will really come through for you, don’t worry about ending the relationship. A home purchase is a huge deal, so don’t feel bad for being picky. Trust your gut and the right realtor will come to you!
Are you ready to find your perfect realtor and your perfect home? We’re here to help! Contact BSR Realty Group today to get started on your home buying journey!