Your home can embrace many different stages, from a starter home to a family home to a final home. To jump into the next phase of your future home, you should sell the home that you currently have. With that comes the need for some return on your investment. Whether the changes are big or small, just a few can bring you huge dividends when it’s time to finally sell your home. Always start by considering the value of your house, the housing market, and how soon you will sell your home after making the improvements. After that, here are a few areas that you can start to consider working on.
When someone comes to take a look at your home, the first place everyone tends to go is to the kitchen. It’s a place where everyone seems to gather and where the most memories are made. Focus on installing cabinets, countertops, and flooring. Keep up with the latest trends but don’t go overboard; you still want to make sure that you have just enough to be trendy but not over the top. The renovations to the kitchen should always be done in a way that adds to the buyer’s pleasure of doing their everyday tasks there!
Morning, noon, and night we can all find ourselves in the bathroom. Here you can incorporate a minimalistic look when remodeling. This gives you a bit more flexibility with marble tiles on the floors and having both a tub and a walk-in shower.
Get that curb appeal going! New landscaping could be just what your home needs to look extra inviting to home buyers. Here is where you will find no need to go overboard. The best landscaping that you will find when researching what works for you is actually the simplest. A good landscaping job should look beautiful but not suggest that a lot of work has been done.
When focusing on updating your home, don’t forget that you should consider your area’s trends. From what kind of flooring will be easy to maintain if you sell to snowboard or impact windows for hurricane season, there is always something to find that is unique for Florida trends. In the end, if you plan to live in your current home for five or more years, feel free to make upgrades that fit your lifestyle, but it’s always a good idea to keep ROI in mind. You never know where your home journey will take you!